The Managed Service Provider (MSP) landscape is booming. Businesses are increasingly outsourcing their IT needs, creating a surge in demand for skilled technicians and niche tech talent. However, this growth comes with a critical challenge: attracting and retaining top tech talent. In this competitive environment, traditional recruiting methods just won't cut it.

This article dives deep into the unique hurdles MSPs face in the hiring game. We'll explore the reasons behind the talent shortage, unveil the hidden costs of high turnover, and most importantly, equip you with actionable strategies to overcome these challenges.  Whether you're a seasoned MSP leader or just starting to build your team, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you scale your MSP with a winning recruitment strategy.

Identifying the Key Hurdles in MSP Staffing

1. Talent Crunch

MSPs face a daunting challenge in today's competitive job market: finding candidates who have the right mix of technical skills, industry knowledge, and soft skills. This talent scarcity can significantly affect an MSP's ability to deliver top-tier services and client support. So, what’s causing this talent crunch?

  • High Demand, Limited Supply: In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the demand for tech talent has reached unprecedented heights. As companies across industries strive to harness the power of technology to drive innovation and growth, the demand for IT expertise has outpaced the supply of qualified professionals, leading to a noticeable shortage.
  • Intense Competition for Talent: MSPs must constantly compete against one another and large technology firms to attract top talent from a limited pool of skilled professionals. The rise of remote work has further amplified this competition, as geographical boundaries no longer limit the talent pool. This shift allows candidates to choose from a broader array of job opportunities, intensifying the battle for skilled tech professionals.  
  • Niche Talent: Managed Service Providers need skilled tech talent and technicians who can cater to diverse client needs, from cloud management to cybersecurity, and adapt to various client environments. Finding talent who are both versatile and possess niche expertise can be difficult.
  • Training and Development: The rapid evolution of technology necessitates continuous learning and skill development for IT professionals. Most MSPs are caught between balancing the cost of training with the immediate need to service clients.

Potential Solutions

  • Multichannel recruiting strategy: The first step in expanding the talent search involves casting a wide net across various platforms. Online job boards are a given, but savvy recruiters also tap into professional networking sites, industry-specific forums, and even niche communities to find the hidden gems. Attending job fairs, tech expos, and local meetups can uncover candidates who might not be actively seeking new roles but are open to the right opportunity. This multi-channel approach not only builds a robust talent pipeline but also creates a network effect, where word-of-mouth and personal connections bring even more high-quality candidates into the mix.
  • Employer branding: Building an employer brand is about creating a compelling narrative about what it's like to work for your organisation, and showcasing why talented individuals should choose you over other options. It's an investment that can yield significant returns in terms of talent acquisition, employee satisfaction, and overall business success.
  • Strategic partnerships: Building partnerships with educational institutions and offering internships can be a strategic way to attract emerging talent and create a pipeline of future recruits.
  • Flexible work arrangements: Offering remote and hybrid work options, as well as clear paths for career growth can make MSPs more attractive to candidates. By adopting flexible work arrangements, MSPs can appeal to a broader range of talent and improve employee satisfaction.

2. Skill Mismatch in MSP Hiring:

MSPs face a significant IT staffing dilemma due to skill mismatch. In simple terms, the talent pool doesn't always align with the skills that MSPs need.  

  • Evolving Tech Landscape: In a world where new technologies seem to pop up faster than your morning coffee brews, finding skilled talent who can keep pace is like hunting for a unicorn. MSPs need individuals who are not only aware of the latest tech trends but can also wield them effectively.
  • Certifications vs. Practical Skills: Sure, certifications look great on paper, but they don't always translate into hands-on capability. Some candidates can ace an exam but stumble when it comes to applying that knowledge in real-world scenarios.  
  • Specialisation vs. Versatility Trade-off: MSPs require technicians who can juggle a variety of client needs, yet deep specialisation in certain areas is also crucial. The challenge is finding the sweet spot between being too narrowly focused and being a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. It's a balancing act that can leave even the most seasoned recruiter scratching their head.

Potential Solutions

  • Skill-Based Assessments: Go beyond traditional resumes and conduct technical assessments with practical real-life applications to evaluate a candidate's practical abilities.
  • Focus on Soft Skills: Look for candidates with strong communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, which can be adapted to various technologies.
  • Invest in Onboarding and Training: Develop comprehensive training programs to equip new hires with the specific skills they need to succeed in your environment.
  • Consider Up-skilling Current Staff: Invest in training and development programs for existing employees to help them stay current with the latest technologies.

3. Cultural Fit

Building a cohesive company culture while ensuring alignment with client cultures is crucial for MSPs. While it's important to have a team that works well together, a rigid focus on cultural fit can lead to unconscious bias against candidates from diverse backgrounds. This can exclude talented individuals who could bring valuable perspectives to the team and stifle innovation and the ability to adapt to changing industry demands.

Potential Solutions

MSPs should give cultural compatibility as much importance as technical proficiency when evaluating candidates. This means assessing candidates' values, communication styles, and work preferences during recruitment.  

  • Focus on Shared Values: Instead of cultural fit, define your company's core values (e.g., collaboration, integrity, client focus) and seek candidates who demonstrate those values in their experience and approach.
  • Behavioural Interviewing: Use behavioural interviewing techniques to assess a candidate's past actions and how they align with your company values. This provides a more objective measure of fit than subjective personality traits.
  • Team Fit Over Company Fit: Consider how a candidate might fit within a specific team dynamic rather than just the overall company culture. This allows for more diverse teams with complementary skills.
  • Comprehensive onboarding: To integrate new hires effectively, MSPs can use cultural assessments and team-building activities, promoting a seamless transition into the organisation and the clients' environments.  
  • Ongoing support: Regular feedback from employees and clients helps MSPs identify and address cultural challenges early on, maintaining a positive and harmonious work environment. This approach not only mitigates the risks of cultural misalignment but also fosters stronger relationships and better outcomes for both the MSP and its clients.

4. Workforce Scalability

MSPs often face fluctuating demand for Tech services, requiring an agile approach to workforce scalability to meet client needs effectively. An inability to scale up staff can limit the MSP's ability to take on new clients or expand service offerings, hindering growth potential. Achieving this agility involves striking a balance between staffing levels, project requirements, and operational costs to ensure efficiency and profitability.

  • Hiring Challenges: The tech talent pool isn't keeping up with industry demands, making it difficult to quickly hire skilled technicians during growth periods.
  • Onboarding Bottlenecks: Training and integrating new hires into the team can delay scaling efforts.
  • Retention Woes: High turnover can throw a wrench into scalability. When experienced technicians leave, it creates gaps that disrupt service delivery and client satisfaction.

Potential Solutions

  • Embrace Partnerships with Staffing Agencies: To address these fluctuations, MSPs should implement flexible staffing models with a mix of full-time employees, part-time contractors, and contingent workers, allowing MSPs to scale their workforce as needed. Collaborating with staffing agencies that specialise in IT recruitment can provide quick access to a diverse talent pool, simplifying the hiring process during peak demand.
  • Invest in Automation and Self-Service Tools: Automating routine tasks and offering self-service solutions for clients can free up technicians to focus on more complex issues, essentially expanding your team's capacity without increasing headcount.
  • Cross-Training and Upskilling: Equip your existing staff with a broader range of skills to increase their versatility. This approach reduces reliance on specialised skills that may be hard to scale quickly.
  • Consider a Hybrid or Remote Workforce Model: A flexible work model can attract a wider talent pool and allow for geographically dispersed teams. This can improve scalability as the MSP isn't limited by location when recruiting new hires.

5. High Turnover Rates

Employee turnover can severely disrupt MSP operations. Experienced technicians take valuable institutional knowledge and client relationships with them when they leave. This can disrupt service delivery and require significant investment in training new hires.

  • Reduced Efficiency and Productivity: High turnover disrupts team dynamics and impacts overall efficiency. New hires need time to get up to speed, and the constant onboarding process can strain existing staff resources.
  • Strained Client Relationships: Turnover can lead to inconsistencies in service delivery and communication with clients, damaging client trust and satisfaction.
  • Increased Costs: The cost of recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees can be a significant drain on resources. It’s not just about the salaries and benefits; consider the hours spent on sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and completing background checks. Then, factor in the time and resources required to acclimate new hires through training sessions, introducing them to the team, and setting up their access to internal systems. It all adds up, turning the recruitment process into a costly investment.

Potential Solutions

  • Invest in Employee Development: Offer training programs, certifications, and opportunities for career advancement to keep employees engaged and motivated.
  • Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Review and adjust salary structures and benefit packages to stay competitive in the market and attract top talent.
  • Positive Work Culture: Foster a culture of collaboration, recognition, and work-life balance to create a work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated.
  • Improved Workload Management: Implement strategies to manage workload effectively, avoid burnout, and ensure technicians have the resources they need to succeed.
  • Clear Communication and Transparency: Maintain open communication with employees, keep them informed about company goals, and address their concerns promptly.

Collaborating with Remote Office:

A better way to overcome MSP hiring challenges:

Access To Specialised Talent  

Whether you need a robust team of developers or an expert programmer, Remote Office has an extensive pool of pre-vetted talents that allows us to source candidates with the precise technical skills and expertise that you require.  

Remote Circle is an invite-only community of pre-vetted talent. We source talents across geographies and invite them to compete in challenges for in-demand skills.

Every invitee/applicant goes through technical assessments and cognitive ability tests before earning a ticket to Remote Circle. Candidates who make the cut are catalogued in our platform on the basis of their key expertise and level of experience.

Of the more than 10,000 applicants who apply to Remote Circle each year, fewer than 3% make the cut. The result: expert-vetted tech talent available for immediate hiring.

We've dedicated considerable time and resources to cultivate our talent pool and continue to invest more each day to widen our reach, crank up our pre-vetting standards, and build a tailored approach to engage with passive candidates regularly.

Robust- Multichannel Recruitment Strategy

We furnish you with the Ad Blueprint along with complimentary Ad credits to give you a competitive advantage to broaden your reach and connect with a larger pool of potential candidates. This enables you to strategically showcase your job opening across prominent job boards and professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster.  

Your dedicated HR concierge sets up the advertisement on your behalf, meticulously handling the intricacies of targeting and budget optimisation. This proactive approach ensures not only the seamless execution of the ad but also guarantees that it is strategically tailored to reach and resonate with your specific target audience.  

With our expertise on your side, you can navigate the complexities of job advertising to maximise the impact of your message and enhance the overall effectiveness of the recruitment campaign.

3-step Recruitment Process

Our team of experts armed with our RPA-driven recruiting system screen and grade each application to finalise the initial pool of candidates from our pre-vetted community of top-tier talents + top matches from your recruitment campaign. This select group goes through a 3-step selection procedure to curate experienced candidates who possess the precise skills and expertise required for your team.

  • Grading and Assessment: Our team of experienced HR executives then carefully assesses each candidate in the selected pool against predetermined criteria, such as skills, education, and relevant work experience over an audio call.
  • Machine-Led Interviews: Candidates who successfully navigate the initial interview round are moved to a video interview round. Your dedicated HR concierge collaborates with you to craft a tailored interview experience complete with a question kit based on the requirements for the position. The interview links along with recommendations of our experts are then racked on the Remote Office Platform for your perusal, allowing you to finalise the candidates that move to the next round‍.  
  • Technical Challenge: Candidates who make it through the video interview round are presented with a technical assessment (custom-created by our experts in collaboration with you)  to match the specific skills and competencies required for the particular job role. These assessments are crafted to mirror real-world scenarios that candidates may encounter in the job, ensuring that the evaluation is not only accurate but also highly relevant to the actual requirements of the role. You can effortlessly manage the candidate pipeline, track onboarding progress, and assess interview and technical test outcomes on the Remote Office App.
  • Client-led final interview: Results from all preceding stages, along with comments and advice from our talent acquisition experts and client service managers were shared with you, so you can easily select the candidates you want to meet in the final round ensuring a streamlined and efficient use of your time.  

Seamless and Compliant Onboarding:

We streamline the onboarding process by handling key elements such as background checks, offer extensions, and the integration of our proprietary service culture pathway. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free transition for both you and your new hires.

  • Background Checks: We conduct thorough background checks, including employment history, criminal records, and education verification, to ensure that your new hires meet all necessary requirements. This reduces risk and gives you peace of mind as you onboard new talent.
  • Offer Extensions: Our team handles the process of extending formal job offers, ensuring that candidates understand the terms, benefits, and expectations of their new roles. This includes detailed explanations of compensation packages and any unique perks your organisation offers.
  • Secure and Compliant Onboarding: Once you've selected your ideal candidates, our HR team (vHR) steps in to create a secure onboarding experience, including bespoke contracts tailored to your specific requirements and fully compliant with regional laws and regulations. We also setup essential systems, such as email accounts and access permissions, so your new hires can hit the ground running. With a seamless approach to onboarding, we minimise the friction often associated with starting a new job, allowing you to focus on what matters most—building a cohesive and productive team.
  • Service Culture Pathway: We install a unique service culture pathway, designed to align new hires with your company's values, mission, and customer service standards. This pathway includes orientation materials and training sessions that introduce candidates to the core principles of your business and set the foundation for a customer-focused mindset.

Building a High-Performing Team:

To further support the team’s success, we appoint a dedicated Service delivery manager (certified Scrum Master) to each team. The service delivery managers ensure that the new hires were equipped with the necessary tools, resources, and knowledge to become productive and impactful team members.

Unlocking Agile Potential:

The Service Delivery Manager inculcate a culture of agility, adaptability, and continuous improvement by

  • Providing functional consultancy and support to improve team performance
  • Facilitating collaboration and communication among team members, fostering a strong sense of teamwork and synergy.
  • Establishing Scrum/sprint disciplines, ensuring efficient project management to meet deadlines.
  • Nurturing a KPI-driven reporting culture for effective performance measurement and goal setting.

Ongoing Support and Culture Development:

The vHR team continues to collaborate with the client to provide ongoing support by

  • Co-creating a thriving virtual culture to foster a sense of connection and belonging among geographically dispersed team members.
  • Establishing virtual event and ceremony rituals to celebrate achievements and milestones, further strengthening team spirit and morale.
  • Assisting the client in leveraging the Remote Office App to manage and monitor employee leaves, attendance, and performance with ease, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives.

Time and Cost Savings:  

Partnering with Remote Office allows you to save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates. We manage the entire recruitment process, from candidate sourcing to onboarding, following best practices at every step.  

Flexibility and Scalability:

Remote Office provides MSPs with flexible staffing solutions, enabling them to scale their teams according to project demands. Whether MSPs need short-term contractors for specific projects or long-term employees for ongoing support, Remote Office can offer tailored solutions.  


Although challenges like talent shortages and skills mismatches continue to impact MSPs, adopting innovative recruitment strategies and investing in continuous skills development can help overcome these obstacles. In addition, partnering with specialised tech recruitment services like Remote Office gives MSPs invaluable access to niche talent pools, allowing them to save time and resources while ensuring the quality of their hires. These partnerships promote ongoing collaboration and strategic alignment, enabling MSPs to adapt swiftly to industry shifts and changing client demands.

Discover The Remote Office MSP Recruitment Model:

Let’s discover your team
At Remote Office, we understand that the right team is the cornerstone of business growth. That's why we've transformed team building into an art, effortlessly guiding you through finding the perfect fit. Imagine shaping your ideal team from anywhere, with the expertise of a virtual HR partner at your fingertips. Our platform isn't just about team creation; it's a strategic ally in your journey to scale and succeed. Engage with our obligation-free tool and experience the power of tailored team-building, designed to address your unique business needs.
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Remote office: global community of pre-vetted top talents